

In this article, we will explore various strategies that can enhance the teaching and learning of geometry in a school mathematics course, including Applied Learning, visual images, problem-solving approaches, real-world applications, interactive technology, and collaborative learning. Keywords: mathematics, geometry, formula, theorems, methods, shapes, angles, issues, logical thinking.


Geometry, formula, drawing, transporter, circle, diagram.


How to Cite
Abdurashitov Raxmatullo Abduxamitovich, Xusenov Zikrillo Raxmatillo o’g’li, & Adxamov Xasanboy Abdusalom o‘g‘li. (2025). INTRODUCE GEOMETRY IN SCHOOLS. American Journal of Business Management, Economics and Banking, 32, 23–25. Retrieved from https://americanjournal.org/index.php/ajbmeb/article/view/2627