

This article is written on the topic "Using Active Games to Improve Physical Training in Young Athletes" and explores the importance of active games in the physical training process of young athletes. The article analyzes the role of active games in physical development, skill formation, and increasing athletes' motivation. The results of research conducted based on a questionnaire are presented, demonstrating the benefits of these games for young athletes. Additionally, the article provides recommendations on how to effectively incorporate active games into physical training programs. The findings of this research are of significant importance in the field of sports education and physical training, helping to further improve the training process for young athletes.


Physical training, active games, volleyball, coaches, questionnaire, physical qualities, teaching process, motivation, sports education, students, selection process, pedagogical approach, training sessions, learning, useful tool, athletes' development, educational programs, importance of games, research results.


How to Cite
Khamrayeva Oynisa Farxod qizi, & Murotaliyeva Mubinabonu Sharobiddin qizi. (2025). USING PHYSICAL GAMES TO IMPROVE THE PHYSICAL FITNESS OF YOUNG VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS. American Journal of Pedagogical and Educational Research, 32, 69–73. Retrieved from https://americanjournal.org/index.php/ajper/article/view/2660