

This article describes the causes of dyslalia, diagnosis of dyslalia and step-by-step treatment methods, methods of eliminating dyslalia, and conclusions and suggestions on the topic. Dyslalia is a violation of sound pronunciation during the preserved innervation of the normal auditory and speech apparatus.


Chuchukli, rotatism, lambdatism, sigmatism, surgery, differential, mechanism, functional, prognathia, pricus, articulation, kinesthetic analysis, realization, imitation, Yugancha,


How to Cite
Kabirova Zarnigor Rakhmonjonovna, Havodullayev Murodjon, & Ibrokhimova Sarvinoz Anvarjonovna. (2023). ORIGIN OF DYSLALIA AND WAYS OF ITS ELIMINATION. American Journal of Pedagogical and Educational Research, 19, 48–51. Retrieved from https://americanjournal.org/index.php/ajper/article/view/1581

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