

There are many simple and complex methods of determining physical work capacity. However, before using them, seeing a doctor and checking the state of health allows you to determine the level of physical fitness. Because ¬all methods of determining work capacity are related to the application of loads.


Physical preparation , level of preparation, Determination of physical work capacity, Rufier-Dixon method, Harvard method, Number of repetitions of exercises , Group of large or small muscles involved in performing exercises, Speed of performing exercises, Amplitude of movements, Complexity of exercises, Muscle tension level and character, muscle power .


How to Cite
Hamrolovov Rasul Abdusattorovich, & Abdujalilova Kurvonoy. (2023). DETERMINE LEVEL OF CONTROLLED MOVEMENT ACTIVITY AND LEVEL OF PHYSICAL FITNESS. American Journal of Pedagogical and Educational Research, 11, 356–366. Retrieved from https://americanjournal.org/index.php/ajper/article/view/750