

The article provides a theoretical and experimental justification of the methodology for training the development of physical qualities of students with a low level of physical fitness due to the selection of an individually optimal pace of motor actions and the standardization of physical activity in a given time period. The results of the experiment are presented, reflecting the effectiveness of individualization of training of secondary school students with a low level of physical fitness.


physical fitness, physical qualities, motor abilities, individualization of training.


How to Cite
Бокиев Аширали Абдиганиевич, Абдиганиев Искандар Аширали угли, & Абдиганиева Зиёда Мирзохид кизи. (2023). METHODS OF TRAINING THE DEVELOPMENT OF PHYSICAL QUALITIES OF STUDENTS WITH A LOW LEVEL PHYSICAL FITNESS. American Journal of Pedagogical and Educational Research, 11, 352–355. Retrieved from https://americanjournal.org/index.php/ajper/article/view/749