

The effectiveness of content-based instruction in teaching reading is examined in this article. The article's goal is to determine if content-based training is effective at teaching reading. The action research was to evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of content-based reading instruction. A post-test was given after the lesson had been finished. To ascertain if content-based instruction is effective in teaching reading, the outcomes of the two exams were compared. Reading instruction has been proven to be most successful when using content-based instruction.


content, progressive test, pre and post-tests, teaching method, effective reading, theme based model


How to Cite
Saidova Surayyo Yarkulovna. (2023). EFFECTIVENESS OF CONTENT–BASED INSTRUCTION IN TEACHING READING. American Journal of Pedagogical and Educational Research, 14, 86–91. Retrieved from https://americanjournal.org/index.php/ajper/article/view/1067