American Journal of Technology and Applied Sciences <p>American Journal of Technology and Applied Sciences is an peer reviewed international, open access journal. This journal publishes the articles in the field of Technology and Applied Sciences. Authors are requested to submit their original research for the double blind peer reviewed journal.</p> <p><strong>ISSN (E):</strong> 2832-1766 <strong>JIF 2024:</strong> 9.115</p> American Journals Publishing en-US American Journal of Technology and Applied Sciences 2832-1766 RESULTS OF MULTICOMPONENT ANALYSIS OF PRODUCED WATER, SELECTED WELL № 12 OF THE MINGBULAK FIELD <p>The main purpose of the water supply system while maintaining reservoir pressure is to extract the required amount of water suitable for injection into the reservoir, distribute it between injection wells and pump it into the reservoir.</p> Nomozov Bakhtiyor Yudashevich Yuldashev Jahongir Baxtiyor o‘g‘li Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 31 1 3 INTERNATIONAL TOURISM IN NEW UZBEKISTAN AND ITS IMPACT ON THE LABOR MARKET <p>In the context of the rapidly growing market economy, opportunities and opportunities for the development of types are emerging in the country, further integration of the kinds into the public economy is of great importance in the country's economy. It is known from the history of the world economy that the tourism sector serves to provide currency exchange necessary for the country's treasury, to create new jobs and to raise the standard of living of the population.</p> Mirolimov son of Mirislam Mirshokir Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 31 4 12 ABOUT LIMITS OF THE FORCE SHOULDER FROM THE GENERATOR TO ROLLING ELEMENT OF BEARING <p>The article presents calculations for determining the force arm from the generator to the rolling element in order to determine the value of the generator force from the magnitude of the arm on the desired rolling elements</p> Urinov N. F. Saidova M. Kh. Aminov M. Kh. Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 31 13 15 PHYSICAL DEPOSITION OF COATINGS IN VACUUM <p>The article presents the process of fphysical deposition of coatings in a vacuum, which consists of spraying a substance in a special vacuum chamber. As well as the main operations of a typical technological process for applying coatings using the PVD method.</p> Urinov N. F. Saidova M. Kh. Sobirov M. B. Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 31 16 18