Journal of Technology and Applied Sciences2025-02-15T17:46:58+00:00Open Journal Systems<p>American Journal of Technology and Applied Sciences is an peer reviewed international, open access journal. This journal publishes the articles in the field of Technology and Applied Sciences. Authors are requested to submit their original research for the double blind peer reviewed journal.</p> <p><strong>ISSN (E):</strong> 2832-1766 <strong>JIF 2024:</strong> 9.115</p> PECULIARITY OF MIGRAINE IN PATIENTS WITH COMORBID SLEEP DISORDERS2025-02-12T13:45:27+00:00Murodov Muzaffar Niyozbek o`g`liMurodova@mail.uzAmonova Zakhro KakhramonovnaMurodova@mail.uzAmonova Zilola<p>Migraine and sleep disorders share complex pathophysiological interactions, influencing each other's onset and severity. This article explores the peculiarities of migraines in patients suffering from comorbid sleep disorders, emphasizing the impact on clinical presentation, treatment approaches, and quality of life. Through a comprehensive review of existing literature, clinical studies, and data analysis, the study aims to provide insights into the bidirectional relationship between these conditions and propose effective management strategies. A detailed examination of the underlying mechanisms, associated risk factors, and therapeutic approaches is presented to enhance understanding and treatment outcomes.</p>2025-02-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 DUST CLEANER RESEARCH OF HYDRODYNAMIC REGIME2025-02-11T17:22:00+00:00O‘lmasov Farrux Yorqinjon o‘g‘litmjfarruxulmasov@gmail.comXonazarov Ro‘zmuxammad Dilshodjon o‘g‘<p>The article describes a device that generates a contact element current that purifies dusty gas in a wet manner. Theoretical research work on determining the total hydraulic resistance is presented. A calculation scheme of the device for theoretical calculation work is developed. The equations of hydraulic resistance affecting the fluid flow according to the nozzle hole and diameter of the calculation scheme are presented.</p>2025-02-11T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 FOR BOOSTING GROUNDWATER RESOURCE EFFICIENCY IN A GREEN ECONOMY2025-02-12T13:50:49+00:00Musayeva Nigora<p>Groundwater resources are essential for sustainable development, especially within the framework of a green economy. Efficient utilization and management of these resources can significantly contribute to environmental conservation, economic growth, and social well-being. This study explores innovative strategies for enhancing groundwater efficiency through technological advancements, policy reforms, and eco-friendly practices. The paper also highlights integrated water resource management approaches, including the use of renewable energy for groundwater extraction, water recycling techniques, and smart irrigation systems.</p>2025-02-12T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 PROTECTION'S IMPORTANCE IN GUARANTEEING FOOD SAFETY2025-02-12T13:53:15+00:00Xudayberdiyeva Filyura<p>Environmental protection plays a crucial role in ensuring food safety by preserving the natural resources necessary for agriculture and promoting sustainable practices. As climate change, soil degradation, and water scarcity become more prevalent, safeguarding the environment is essential to ensure that future generations can access safe, nutritious food. Effective environmental protection strategies, such as reducing pollution, improving water management, and promoting biodiversity, can directly enhance agricultural productivity and reduce the risks associated with foodborne diseases. Integrating environmental policies with food safety regulations ensures a more resilient food system that can withstand environmental challenges and provide long-term food security.</p>2025-02-12T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 DISEASES IN WOMEN OF REPRODUCTIVE AGE AGAINST THE BACKGROUND OF PHYSIOLOGICAL PREGNANCY2025-02-15T17:46:58+00:00Khatamova Matluba<p>With an uncomplicated pregnancy in a woman's body, a number of adaptive and adaptive processes develop (hypervolemia, fluid accumulation, changes in the content of electrolytes and non-electrolytes), in which the kidneys are directly involved. On the other hand, the appearance of uteroplacental blood circulation, an increase in regional hemodynamics during pregnancy cannot but affect the functional state of the kidneys of a pregnant woman.<br>During physiological pregnancy, specific changes in kidney function occur, aimed at ensuring the normal process of gestation. However, ultrasound studies of the kidneys using intravital biopsy did not reveal any significant changes in the structure of the parenchyma.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025