

Developing effective instructional materials is crucial for fostering mathematical proficiency in students. This study investigates the use of problem-solving focused worksheets as a pedagogical approach to enhancing student learning in arithmetic. The article describes the design and implementation of such worksheets, as well as an empirical evaluation of their impact on student outcomes. The findings suggest that problem-solving oriented worksheets can significantly improve students' conceptual understanding, problem-solving abilities, and overall achievement in arithmetic domains. Implications for mathematics instruction and future research directions are discussed.


Mathematical problem-solving, arithmetic worksheets, conceptual understanding, cognitive load theory, Polya's problem-solving framework


How to Cite
Alijonov Sirojiddin Husan o’g’li. (2024). ENHANCING ARITHMETIC LEARNING THROUGH PROBLEM-SOLVING FOCUSED WORKSHEETS. American Journal of Technology and Applied Sciences, 24, 26–28. Retrieved from https://americanjournal.org/index.php/ajtas/article/view/2131