Chaitanya Krishna Suryadevara,
Sr. Researcher and Software Engineer, Wilmington University, USA
Mohammed I. Ali,
Sr. Software Engineer, Information Technology, Canada
Vakhtang Abuladze
Founder and CEO of Convertex LLC. Field of Activity: Telecommunications, Energy, Construction, Tbilisi, Georgia

Panoyev Abdullo,
Dotsent of the Department of "Electric Power and Electrical Engineering" of the Bukhara Natural Resources Management Institute, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Science
Juraev Toyir Omonovich,
Dotsent of the Department of "General Technical Sciences" of the Bukhara Institute Natural Resources Management, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences.
Duskaraev Nartaylak,
Dotsent of the Department of "General Technical Sciences" of the Bukhara Institute Natural Resources Management, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences.
Kamilov Sherzad,
Associate Professor of the Faculty of Physics (National University of Uzbekistan). Doctor of Philosophy (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor
Yusupova Zaynabkhon Djumanazarovna,
PhD on Technical Science, Associate Professor of Department "Mathematics and Information Technologies", Fiscal Institute under Tax Committee
Rakhimov Abduraim Fazilovich
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Combat Surgical Pathology, Military Medical Academy of The Armed Forces of Republic of Uzbekistan
Kabiljanova Firuza Azimovna
PhD in Physics and Mathematics, National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Associate Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Analysis
Yakubova Noilakhon Sobirjonovna,
Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy Sciences (PhD), Researcher of the Department of Information Processing and Control Systems, Senior Teacher of the Department, Tashkent State Technical University
Lamyaa katran
Lecturer in Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, Najaf, Kufa, Iraq.
Rakhimov Madaminjon Alijonovich,
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Fergana State University of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Reimov Nietbai Bainazarovich
Head of the Department of "Land Use and Land Cadastre" of the Karakalpak Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Academician of the Turan Academy of Sciences, Senior Researcher.
Sulaymonov Bekhzod Boxodirjonovich
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Information Technology and Cybersecurity of the Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences.
Khudaibergenov Shukhrat Abdullaevich
Tashkent Paediatric Medical Institute, Department of Surgery Diseases , PhD
Mustafoyeva Durdona Asilovna
Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD), National Research University "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers", Associate Professor of the Department of Vocational Training.
Kim Veronika Vladimirovna
Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture Sciences (PhD), Astrakhan State Technical University in Tashkent Region, Associate Professor of the Department of Water Resources and Technologies.
Eshonkulov Tirkash,
Acting Associate Professor of the Department "Information Systems and Technologies" of the Jizzakh Branch of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek
Sattarov Karim Karshievich
Doctor of Technical Sciences (DSc), Gulistan State University, Uzbekistan Director of the Institute of Industrial Technology
Golib Rashidovich Berdiev
Doctor of Philosophy of Technical Sciences, Head of the Department of Computer Systems, Karshi branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi
Gaffarov Alisher Kholmurodovich
Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Associate Professor of the "Metrology and Standardization" Department, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences.
Alimova Mohichehra Muzafarovna
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in History, Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Associate Professor of the Department of "Social Sciences".
Askarov Ibragim Rakhmanovich
Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Department of Chemistry, Andijan State University, Andijan, Uzbekistan
Allamuratova Ziywar Bauaddinovna
Karakalpak Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology Department of Fisheries, PhD.
Xasanov Azamat Ozodovich
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Candidate of Architectural Sciences, Associate Professor, Tashkent University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Khasonboyev Bekzodjon Valijonovich
Teacher of Chirchik Higher Tank Command Engineering Military School, Doctor of Pedagogical (PhD)
Azizova Kholida Mumin Qizi,
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Chemical Sciences, Senior Teacher of the Almalyk Branch of Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov
Shakirova Feruza Fayzitdinovna
PhD, Associate Professor, Department Automation and Remote, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan
Makhammadiev Zafar Oblakulovich,
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Technicial Sciences of the Tashkent Textile and Light Industry Institute, Tashkent.
Turdiyev Sardorjon Abdumuminovich,
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Navoi State University of Mining and Technology
Zhuraev Akbar Shavkatovich,
PhD, acting Associate Professor of the Department of Mining Electromechanics, Navoi State Mining and Technology University in the Republic of Uzbekistan
Kodirova Shakhlo Salomovna
Associate Professor of the Department of Folk Medicine, Occupational Diseases and Allergology Bukhara State Medical Institute
Babayev Akmal Abdukarimovich
Head of the Specialized Training Center of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Philosophy in the Legal Sciences
Mirzakhmedov Rustam Mirkhamidovich,
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Almalyk Branch of Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov
Nutfulloev Gafur Subhonovich
Doctor of Science (DSc), National Technological Research University " MISIS". Head of the educational and methodological department of the Almalyk city Branch
Egamberdiyev Dilmurod Kamolitdinovich
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health, Department of Urology and Oncology.
Pardaeva Gulmira Abdunazarovna
Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of "Software of Information Technologies", Karshi branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi.
Uzokov Abdulla Abduraimovich.
The Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Associate Professor of Physics and Methods of Teaching Physics Department, Candidate of Physical-Mathematical Science, Uzbekistan
Kuliyeva Markhabo Kholboyevna,
Candidate of Physics-Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the "Physics-Astronomy" Department of the Uzbekistan-Finland Pedagogical Institute.
Azizjon Odilovich Ataullaev,
Navoi State University of Mining and Technology, Associate Professor of the Department of "Mechanical Engineering Technology".
Juraev Nodirbek Normuradovich,
Navoi State University of Mining and Technology, Associate Professor of the Department of "Mechanical Engineering Technology".
Ataullaev Aminjon Odilovich,
Associate Professor of the Department of "Electric Power Engineering", Navoi State University of Mining and Technology.
Oripov Zayniddin Bohodirovich,
Navoi State University of Mining and Technology, Associate Professor at the "Engineering Mechanics" Department.
Jasur Kholmamatovich Beknazarov,
Deputy Dean of the Faculty of "Energy Mechanics", Associate Professor, Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies.
Yusupov Alisher Raximberdiyevich,
University of Public Safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Associate Professor in "Ensuring Public Safety" Department, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Uzbekistan
Taylakova Guli,
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Head of the Informatics Department of Tashkent University of Applied Sciences
Shermanova Feruza Djumaboyevna,
PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Teacher of in the "Informatics" Department of Tashkent University of Applied Sciences
Sherzod Azamatovich Makhmudov,
PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Mining Electromechanics, Navoi State Mining and Technology University
Jumaboyev Gulomjon,
Agriculture Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor Medicine Herbs Plants Department of Toshkent State Agrarian University
Isaev Doniyor Toshbotirovich,
Navoi State University of Mining and Technology, Associate Professor of the Department of "Mechanical Engineering Technology".
Eshkuvatov Abriy Kazimovich
PhD, Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences, Gulistan State University, Uzbekistan
Ravshanov Jamshid Ravshanovich,
Navoi State University of Mining and Technology, Associate Professor of the Department of "Mechanical Engineering Technology".
Egamberdiev Ilkhom Pulatovich
Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Navoi State University of Mining and Technology, Doctor of Technical Sciences
Yaxshiyev Serali Namozovich,
Navoi State University of Mining and Technology, Associate Professor of the Department of "Mechanical Engineering Technology".
Asatov Sunnatullo Ne'matilloyevich,
Navoi State University of Mining and Technology, Senior Lecturer (PhD) of the Department of "Mechanical Engineering Technology"
Maksudova Lola Irkinovna,
Medical sciences Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Senior Lecturer, Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute
Abdurakhimov Komiljon Karimovich,
Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Namangan Institute of Textile Industry
Hasanov Sharofiddin Shamshurovich
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philosophical Sciences, Docent Deputy Head of the Faculty of Administrative and Organizational Activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Mirzayev Nuriddin Fayzullayivech
Karshi Institute of Irrigation And Agrotechnologies of The National Research University "TIIAME"
Kuranbaeva Satima Razzakovna,
Associate Professor of Tashkent Medical Academy, Doctor of Medical Sciences
Ubaydullaeva Dilfuza Ismoilovna,
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology
Muradov Sanjar Aslonovich
Doctor of Philosophy, Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Associate Professor of the Department of "Social Sciences".
Turgunova Nasiba Tuychievna,
Deputy Head of the Department of Service Psychology and Professional Culture of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Philosophy in Political Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor
Pulatova Dilaram Sabitovna,
Leading Researcher, Research Institute of Semiconductor Physics and Microelectronics, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Fayziev Kamoliddin Inobidonivich
Associate Professor of the Department of "Soil Science" Gulistan State University, PhD.
Kadirov Kamoliddin Shukhratovich,
Institute of Energy Problems of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Leading Researcher
Abdurakhmanov Abdurashid Atakhanovich
Andijan Machine Engineering Institute, Associate Professor, Technical Sciences Candidate, Graduated from Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Industrial Engineer-Technology, Security Specialist
Karimov Ilhom Arslanovich
Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences (PhD), Head of the Educational and Methodological Department, Navoi State University of Mining and Technology
Samadov Alisher Usmonovich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Director at the Tashkent State Technical University Almalyk Branch, Uzbekistan
Pirnaev Sharofiddin Asatullayevich
PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Technological Machine Engineering, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan
Tillaeva Gulnora Urunbaevna
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Department of Organization of Pharmaceutical Production and Quality Management, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Uzbekistan
Ashurov Zamir Rakhimovich
Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Associate Professor of the Department of "Social Sciences".
Bijanov Alib Kdirbaevich
PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Electric Power Engineering at Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh, Uzbekistan
Akhrorov Akmaljon Akramjon ugli
PhD in Technical Sciences, Lecturer, Department of Technological Machines and Equipment, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Uzbekistan
Mirzakhanov Yunus Umarovich
PhD in Technics, Docent, Department of Applied Mechanics, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Uzbekistan
Yuldashev Jamshid Kambaraliyevich
Doctor of Sciences in Technics, Docent, Dean of the Faculty of Textile Technology, Namangan Textile Industry Institute, Uzbekistan
Abdurashid Khamidillaevich Yusupov,
Associate Professor of the Department of Alternative Energy Sources, Andijan Machine Building Institute
Abdumanap Abdukarimov
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies of the Jizzakh branch of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulug'bek.
Khalmatov Misliddin Mukhammatovich
Andijon Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Institute v.b.f.d (PhD) Candidate of Ecological Sciences, Andijan Graduated Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Ecological Expert
Kaxxorov A’loxon Abrorovich,
Associate Professor (PhD) at Artificial Intelligence Department, Computer Engineering faculty, Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Uzbekistan. Research Interests: Digital Signal and Image Processing, Real-time Systems.
Ochilov Mannon Musinovich,
Associate Professor (PhD) at Artificial Intelligence Department, Computer Engineering Faculty, Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Uzbekistan. Research Interests: Digital Signal and Image Processing, Artificial intelligence.
Shukurov Kamoliddin Elbobo O'g'li,
Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Associate Professor (PhD) at Artificial Intelligence Department, Uzbekistan. Research Interests: Digital signal and image processing, Artificial intelligence.
Imamov Aziz Erkinovich
Docent, Senior Teacher of the Academy of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Philosophy in Law
Omonov Sherzod,
PhD of Technical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Urgut Branch of Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov
Valiev Gulam Nabidjanovich
Doctor of Sciences in Technics, Professor, Department of Light Industry Products Technology, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Israilov M.A.
PhD, Head of the Department of Geotechnology of Coal and Seam Deposits, Tashkent State Technical University, Uzbekistan
Otabaev Nodirjon Ibragimovich
PhD in Technics, Lecturer, Department of Land Transport Systems and Their Exploitation, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Rakhmatillo Mirsharipov Khabibullayevich
PhD in Technical Sciences, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Construction, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Uzbekistan
Kayumov Odiljon Abduraufovich
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Docent, Department of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Shadmanova Zukhra Salahovna
PhD, Professor, Department of "Construction Mechanics and Earthquake Resistance of Structures", Faculty of Technology, Tashkent University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Uzbekistan
Sidikov Sabir Mamasalievich
Associate Professor, Candidate of Biological Sciences
Tojiyev Panji Jovliyevich
Doctor of Science (DSc) in Technical Science, Termez State Pedagogical Institute
Abdurakhmanov Abdukarim Atkhamovich
PhD of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture Mechanization, Laboratory Manager
Tagaev Bakhodir Kuchkarbekovich
PhD of Technical Sciences, Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture Mechanization, Laboratory Manager
Buronov Firdavsiy Eshburiyevich
PhD, Head of TME Department, Karshi Engineering-Economics Institute, Uzbekistan
Mallayev Orif Samad O'g'li
PhD, Termiz Institute of Engineering Technologies, Uzbekistan
Dusanov Ravshan Khalilovich
Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Science, Head of the Executive Office of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Kuvvatov Dilshod Ashuraliyevich
Karshi Institute of Irrigation and Agrotechnotogis of The National Research University "TIIAME"
Mansurov Khusniddin Gabtrashitovich
Research Institute of Plant Genetic Resources, Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Science.
Amirqulov Otabek Saidullaevich,
Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher, Head of the "Plant Protection" Laboratory of the Southern Agricultural Research Institute.
Mirsaatov Ravshanbek Muminovich,
Professor of the Department of “Natural Sciences” (the Tashkent State Transport University), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Qurbonov Oybek Muhammatqulovich
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the "Exact, Technical and Natural Sciences" Department of Navoy Innovations University
Xolov Xusniddin Amonullayevich
Associate Professor of the Department of Surgical Diseases in Family Medicine of the Tashkent Medical Academy, Ph.D., Program Director of the Master's Department
Suleymanova Nasibakhan Adashevna
Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics-Gynecology, Traumatology-Orthopaedics, Neurosurgery and Sports Medicine, Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining of Doctors, Andijan State Medical Institute
Kosimov Mukhiddin Odilovich,
Doctor of Philosophy in Economics Science, Associate Professor of the Мining Department of the Almalyk Branch of the Scientific Research Technological University MISIS.
Mussaeva Malika Anvarovna
Doctor of science (DSc) On physical and mathematical sciences Leading Researcher Institute of Nuclear Physics Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Yuldashev Gafur,
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Surgical Diseases in Family Medicine Urgench branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy
Zaripova Gulbahor Kamilovna,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Information Systems and Digital Technologies of Bukhara State University
Komilov Ochil Suphonovich
Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Department of Physics, Bukhara Engineering and Technology Institute of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Makhmanov Ergash Binoqulovich
PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of "General Physics" of the Karshi Engineering Economics Institute, Uzbekistan
Madjidova Shaira Gafurovna
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) Technics Associate Professor of the Department of Sewing Products Technology and Digital Engineering, Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Uzbekistan
Zakirova Umida Irkinovna
Doctor of Medical Sciences (DSс) ), Dotsent Tashkent Medical Academy in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Nafasov Zafar Nurmahmadovich
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher, Head of the laboratory of the Scientific Research Institute Quarantine and Plant Protection Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Khamzaev Nomoz Javliyevich
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Science

Utemuratova Damegul Turekhanovna
Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies of Karakalpakstan, Associate Professor of the "Mechanization of Agriculture" Department, Candidate of Technical Sciences.
Kuchkanov Sherzodbek Kurbanovich
Doctor of Philosophy of Technical sciences (PhD), Tashkent State Technical University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Voronina Nataliya Vladimirovna
Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Doctor of Medical Sciences (DSc)
Yusupov Sharofiddin Bo‘ronovich,
Technical Sciences Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor of the Department of "Electrotechnologies and the exploitation of electrical equipment", “TIIAME” NRU
Marqayev Nuriddin Murodovich,
Technical Sciences Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor of the Department of "Electrotechnologies and the Exploitation of Electrical Equipment", “TIIAME” NRU
Mambetnazarov Asan Biysenbaevich
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher, Head of the Laboratory of the Scientific Research Institute Quarantine and Plant Protection Tashkent
Djasurbek Rakhimberganovich Karimbaev
Assistant of the Department of Engineering Graphics and Mechanics of the Tashkent Textile and Light Industry Institute
Rahmonov Tohirbek Imomalievich
PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Lecturer, Department of Physics, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Gayratov Jasurbek Gayratjon ogli
PhD in Technical Sciences, Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology and Automation, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Kadirov Kamoliddin Shuxratovich
Institute of Energy Problems of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Laboratory
Odamov Umarbay Omanovich
Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Leading Researcher, Head of Laboratory, Institute of Energy Problems of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Khurramov Bobir Sobir ugli
Department of "Nuclear Power Plants and Thermal Energy" of Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov, Senior Lecturer, PhD, Uzbekistan
Kushev Alijon Polatovich
Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Deputy Director of General Affairs, Institute of Energy Problems of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Shavazov Abdulatif Achilovich
Head of the Laboratory “Electrical Energy Systems and Complexes” of the Institute of Energy Problems of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Philosophy of Technical Sciences (PhD), Uzbekistan
Farrukh Mirazimovich Makhammadiev
PhD in Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of the Institute of Energy Problems, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Boboyev Abrorjon Xotamovich
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Technical Sciences,Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Uzbekistan
Ishniyazov Bakhrom Normamatovich,
Assistant Professor (PhD) of the Department of "Econometrics" of the Tashkent State University of Economics.
Sirojev Hayotjon Xolmurodovich
Doctor of Philosophy in Technics Sciences (PhD), Senior Teacher of the Department of the Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Rakhmatov Furkat Abdirazzokovich
Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, Head of the Department of Regional Educational Institutions, Doctor of Philosophy in technical Sciences (PhD), Uzbekistan
Matkarimova Nigora Sagdullaevna,
Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor
Alikulov Golib Nortoshevich
Associate Professor of the Department of "Geodesy, Cadastre and Land Use" of the Karshi Engineering Economics Institute
Jonkobilov Ulugmurad Umbarovich
DSc, Professor, Department of "Hydraulics and hydraulic structures" Karshi Engineering Economics Institute, Uzbekistan
Rajabov Ulugbek Mamashoyevich
PhD, Associate Professor, Department of "Hydraulics and hydraulic structures" Karshi engineering economics institute, Uzbekistan
Rabbimova Dilfuza Toshtemirovna
DsC of Medical Science, Head of Department of Propedeutics of Children Disease
Bashanov Bakhreddin Karimberdievich
Doctor of Philosophy (Phd) on Military Sciences, Department Head of the Ministry of Defense
Umirov Asror Pardaevich
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on Technical Sciences, Docent of Electrical Energy Department, Karshi Engineering-Economic Institute
Muzaffarov Firdavs Fuzayl o'g'li
Doctor of Philosophy (Phd) on technical sciences, Docent of Electrical and energy engineering department, Bukhara Engineering-technology Institute
Egamnazarpva Zulhumor Kadyrovna
PhD in Philosophy in Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of languages of the Academy of Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Khoshimov Akhrorjon Akhadovich
PhD in Technical Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Head of the Department of Scientific Research, Innovation and Training of Scientific Pedagogical Personnel, International Institute of Food Technology and Engineering, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Davidbayev Bakhtiyordjan Nizamitdinovich
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor, Department of Applied Mechanics, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, 150100 Fergana, Uzbekistan
Masodikov Kahramonjon Husanboy ogli
PhD in Technical Sciences, Lecturer, Department of Land Transport Systems and their Operation, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Fayziev Rinad Rashidovich
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor, Department of Technological Machines and Equipment, Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Firuza Maxmudjanovna Sadikova
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Pedagogical Scienses, National Research University "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers", Uzbekistan
Turdiyev Shahboz Shermamat o‘g‘li
DSc, head of the department of the “Oil and gas work” of the Karshi Engineering Economics Institute
Isayev Doniyor Toshbotirovich,
Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Technology Engineering, Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Uzbekistan, ORCID:
Qurbanov Baxtiyar Ibragimovich
Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan,
Rakhimov Farrukh
Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, docent, Department of “Energy”, Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Uzbekistan, ORCID:
Normurodov Akbarjon Anvarovich
Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Technology Engineering, Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Uzbekistan, ORCID:
Yaxshiyev Sherali Namozovich
Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Technology Engineering, Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Uzbekistan, ORCID:
Ataullayev Aminjon Odilovich
Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of " Electric energy", Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Uzbekistan, ORCID:
Eshmurodov Ziyodullo Oripovich
Doctor of Technical Sciences (DSc), Professor, Department of "Electric power industry", Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Uzbekistan, ORCID:
Xolmurodov Muzaffar Bobokulovich
Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of "Metallurgy", Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Uzbekistan, ORCID:
Toshev Oybek Elmurodovich
Doctor of Philosophy Technical Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor, Department of “Metallurgy”, Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Uzbekistan, ORCID:
Shayumova Zamira Mustafayevna
Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of "Electrical Energy", Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Uzbekistan, ORCID:
Narzullayev Boburjon Shirinboy o’g’li
Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of "Electric energy", Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Uzbekistan, ORCID:
Isakov Alijon Abdumitolipovich
Associate Professor of the “Agricultural And Food Engineering Technologies” Department of Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute. (PhD) Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences.

Pirnaev Sharofiddin Asatullayevich
PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Technological machine engineering, Tashkent State transport University, Uzbekistan
Toshboyev Zohid Baxron O‘g‘li
PhD, Doctor of Technical Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of “Automatics and Telemechanics” of the Tashkent State Transport University
Chekulaeva Kristina Alexandrovna
Doctor of Philosophy in Economic Sciences (PhD), Head of the Department of Regional and Corporate Strategies, Navoi State University of Mining and Technology
Rayimov Gayratjon Nabiyevich,
Doctor of Sciense in Medical Sciences. Fergana medical institute of public health
Mirzayev Bakhtiyor Burkhonovich,
Doctor of Science in Medical Sciences, Ass. professor of the department of General surgery of Fergana medical institute of public health
Eshpulatov Inoyat Saparovich
Senior Researcher at the Oliyy Tank Command Engineering University, Chirchik
Umarov G'ulom Jurabayevich
PhD, Doctor of Military Philosophy, Senior teacher of the Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Muradov Farhod Anvarovich
PhD, Doctor of Military Philosophy, Senior researcher of the Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Rustamov Abbos Abdunabi o‘g‘li
PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Military Epidemiology and Biosafety of the Military Medical Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Akhmadaliev Rashit Musinovich,
Academy of Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Chief at the Department, Doctor of Philosophy in Military Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor.
Bobokulova Oygul Soatovna,
Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences (PhD), "Tashkent Chemical Technological Institute", Uzbekistan
Kenjayev Mirjalol Erkinjanovich
Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances, PhD in Technical Sciences
Zulyarova Nigora Sharafiddinovna
Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry , PhD in Technical Sciences
Umarov Shavkat Isomiddinovich,
DSc, Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Technology, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Jizzakh, Uzbekistan
Otaboyev Xusan Abdusobirovich
Senior Lecturer, PhD, Department of General Chemistry, Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Olimov Tolmas Farxodovich
Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry , PhD in Technical Sciences
Arifdjanova Kamola Sayfullayevna
Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances, DSc in Technical Sciences
Erkayeva Nazokat Aktamovna
Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Senior teacher of the Department of Chemistry, PhD in Technical Sciences

Melikulova Gavxar Eshboyevna

Ametova Elnara Kuandikovna
PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Automation and remote control, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan
Yodgorova Hilola Isroilovna
PhD in Technical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor, Department of Natural Fibers and Fabric Processing Technology, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Jizzakh, Uzbekistan
Tursunov Jakhongir Isroilovich
PhD in Chemical Sciences, Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, Fergana State University, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Sultanov Nomanjon Akramovich
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Department of Physics, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Bobomuratova Sanobar Yunusovna
PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Jizzakh, Uzbekistan
Khalmatov Misliddin Mukhammatovich
Senior Lecturer of Andijan Region Emergency Department "Life Activity Safety" Training Center, V.B.F.D (PhD) Khalmatov Ecology Expert
Alikhonova Zukhrikhon Saitdkhodjaevna
Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, PhD in Chemistry
Djandullaeva Munavara Saparbaevna
Head of the Department of Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances, Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor.
Aliyev Kodirjon Tokhirzhonovich
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences Joint Belarusian–Uzbek Interdisciplinary Institute of Applied Technical Qualifications Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Applied Technical Qualifications Uzbekistan
Turapov Ulugbek Urazkulovich
Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Acting Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences.

Djurayeva Shakhnozakhon Gayratovna,
PhD, Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Uzbekistan
Oripov Doniyor Maxammadjonovich,
The Karshi branch of the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, Associate Professor of the Department of Agricultural Technology, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Agricultural Sciences.
Yuldasheva Azadakhan Sabirovna
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology № 2 Andijan State Medical Institute
Ibragimova Nargizahon Mirzajonovna
Department of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology and Medical Biotechnology Andijan State Medical Institute
Tashmatov Akramjon Kasimovich
Department of Neonatology, Endocrinology, Neurology and Psychiatry, Faculty of Doctor Training and Retraining, Andijan State Medical Institute
Rustam Norchayev
Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Ubaydullayev Sadulla
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Dotsent, Head of the Department of Physics and Teaching Methodology of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University named after A. Kadiriy, Uzbekistan
Kuvаndikov Yokub Tursunbayevich,
Jizzakh Politechnic Institute, Acting Associate Professor Department of “General Technical Disciplines", Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences
Khudayarov Zafarjon,
Doctor of Technical Sciences (DcS), Associate Professor of Tashkent State Agrarian University
Kholbutayev Boybek Toshtemir ugli,
Jizzakh Politechnic Institute, Assistant teacher Department of Engineering Communications, Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences
Amirqulov Otabek Saydullayevich,
The Karshi branch of the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, Associate Professor of the Department of Agricultural Technology, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Agricultural Sciences.
Jangabaev Aydos Sarsenbaevich,
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of "General biology and physiology" Karakalpak Stat University
Khalilova Firuza Shavkhidinovna,
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Agrocultural Sciences, assistant of the Departament "Agrotexnology, production automation and management" of the Samarqand State University of Veterinary, Animal Hisbandry and Biotechnology
Salimov Khayit Salimovich
Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Virology, Veterinary Scientific Research Institute, Taylok region, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Kadirov Sarvar Mukadirovich
Doctor of Science (DSc), Professor of "Transport Energy Devices" Department of Tashkent State Transport University
Kucharov Olimjon Ruzimurotovich,
PhD, Associate Professor, National Research University "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers", Department of Higher Mathematics, Uzbekistan
Tovboev Akram Nurmonovich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of energy, Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Uzbekistan
Makhmudov Giyosjon Bakoyevich
Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Metrology, standardization and certification, Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Uzbekistan
Ismoilov Mukhriddin Tulkin ugli
Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Metrology, standardization and certification Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Uzbekistan
Khusanov Zafar,
Navoi State Mining and Technological University, Doctor of Philosophy PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of General Physics.
Asatov Sunnatullo Ne'matilloyevich,
Navoi State University of Mining and Technology, Senior Lecturer (PhD) of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology
Butovskiy Petr Mixaylovich
Doctor of Philosophy and Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Engineering Mechanics of the Tashkent Textile Institute.
Ruzmatov Ikrom
Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Acting Professor, Candidate of Chemical Sciences.
Pirnazarov Ilkhom Islamovich,
Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Assistant teacher Department of Engineering Communications, Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences
Aripova Nargiza Nusratovna
PhD No2 Internal Disease Department Tashkent Medical Academy Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Umirov Nashir Tuxtabayevich,
Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the department of "Tractors and automobiles", National Research University "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers" Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Akhmedov Yunus Khamidovich,
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Uzbekistan
Yadgarov Uktam Tursunovich,
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Uzbekistan
Normatova Muborak Jabborovna
Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of "Mining", Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Uzbekistan
Karimov Ilhom Arslanovich
Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences (PhD), Head of the educational and methodological department, Navoi State University of Mining and Technology
Kinjayeva Gulbahor Sattorkulovna
Doctor of philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences. Associate professor of the Department of Applied Sciences of the German language of the Uzbekistan State University of World Languages
Yo’ldashev Urishbay
Doctor of Physical and and Mathematical Sciences (DSc), Professor Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Uzbekistan.
Rabbimov Eshboy Azimovich
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Uzbekistan
Begilov Bakhadir Nazarbaevich,
Doctor of philosophy (PhD) technical sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Software Engineering and Mathematical Modeling, Nukus branch of Tashkent University of Information Technology, Uzbekistan
Gafforova Mushtariybonu
Senior teacher, PhD, Department of "Hydraulics and hydroinformatics", Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, National Research University, Uzbekistan
Shamuratova Nagima Genjemuratovna
Head of the Department of Plant Protection and Quarantine of the Karakalpakstan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
Yusupov Alisher Rakhimberdiyevich,
PhD. in technical sciences, Associate professor in "Ensuring public safety" department, The University of public safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Ismoilov Vokhid
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Agronomy Sciences
Akhmadaliyeva Sabo Murodovna
Kokand State Pedagogical Institute, Department of Foreign Language Theory, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences
Ergashev Rustam Rakhimovich,
“Tashkent Institute of irrigation and agricultural mechanization engineers” NRU, Professor of the Department of Pumping stations and hydroelectric power plants, Doctor of Technical
Kuliyeva Markhabo Kholboyevna,
Candidate of physics-mathematical sciences, associate professor, author of more than 50 scientific articles, monographs, textbooks and training manuals.Associate Professor of the "Physics" Department of the Uzbekistan-Finland Pedagogical Institute.
Sharipova Shakhnoza Khasanovna,
Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences, author of more than 21 scientific articles and training manuals. Assistant of the "Pedagogy" Department of the Uzbekistan-Finland Pedagogical Institute.
Ibragimov Berdimurat
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor of the “Department of Physics and its teaching methods”, Tashkent State Pedagogical University
Allaniyazov Satniyaz Ubbiniyazovich
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Technical Sciences. Dean of the General Technical Faculty the Nukus mining institute at Navoi state university of mining and technologies.
Bekzod Nabiev Nematjonovich
PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Andijan machine-building institute, Andijan, Uzbekistan.
Yusupov Sherzad Rustamovich,
The Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctoral student, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on Military Sciences.
Shirinova Ma’mura Khikmatullayevna
(TITLI/PhD), Academic Degree: Assistant Professor, Department of Apparel Technology and Digital Engineering, Tashkent Textile and Light Industry Institute. Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Muminov Rashid Olimovich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Engineering Mechanics, Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Uzbekistan
Toirov Murtoza Shavkidinovich
Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Technology Engineering, Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Uzbekistan
Ismatov Abdukhalil Abdusamatovich
Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD) of “Mechanical Engineering Technology” department of Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov
Murodov Xasan Shuxratovich
Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of “Electric energy”, Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Uzbekistan
Ashirov Furkat Usubovich,
PhD, "Institute of Mineral Resources" DM, Head of the laboratory "Techniques and technology of geological prospecting works"
Rustamov Hakım Sharıpovıch,
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Assistant Professor, Bukhara State University
Samandarov Ilkhomjon Rasulovich
Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, Department of "Mathematics and Natural Sciences", Faculty of "Metallurgy and Chemical Technologies", Tashkent State Technical University, Almalyk branch.
Vahobov Valijon Vahobovich,
PhD, Associate Professor, National Research University "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers", Department of Higher Mathematics, Uzbekistan
Khujakulov Nurmurod Botirovich
Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of "Metallurgy", Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Uzbekistan
Artikbayeva Nozima Mumindjanovna
(TITLI/PhD), Academic Degree: Senior Lecturer, Department of Apparel Technology and Digital Engineering, Tashkent Textile and Light Industry Institute. Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Yusupova Feruza Turdalievna
Doctor of Philosophy of Technical Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor of the Department of Electronics and Instrumentation of the Fergana Polytechnic Institute
Karimova Komola Bahodirovna
Associate PhD Professor, Tashkent State Technical University
Sodikova Umida Abdukhamidovna,
Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Head of hydroecology and Water Resources Laboratory, Research Institute of Irrigation and Water Problems, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Rustamova Maxfuza Maxmudovna,
PhD, Assistant, Ferghana Polytechnic Institute, Department of Management, Uzbekistan
Usmanova Hulkar Asadullaevna,
PhD, Associate Professor, Department of "Metrology, technical regulation, standardization and certification", Tashkent State technical University, Uzbekistan
Nazarov Jamoliddin Toshkulovich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General Physics, Navoi State Mining and Technological University, Uzbekistan, Navoi State University of Mining and Technologies, Uzbekistan
Masharipova Shokhista Sabirovna
Associate Professor (PhD), Department of Infectious Diseases, Epidemiology and Phthisiology of the Urgench Branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy, Uzbekistan.
Mutalib Yuldashev
Professor of Tashkent Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineering Institute, Doctor of Economics (D.S.).
Boltaev Komil Sultonovich
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Mikrobiologiya ,Virology and Immunology Samarkand State Medical university Uzbekistan
Mirzanazarova Dilbar Djamalovna
(TITLI/PhD), Academic Degree: Senior Lecturer, Department of Apparel Technology and Digital Engineering, Tashkent Textile and Light Industry Institute. Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Khatamova Matlyuba Tilavovna
Republic of Uzbekistan Bukhara city Bukhara State Medical University Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Professor PhD