Rickets occurs during a period of intensive growth and development of the child. The main cause of rickets in children is a lack of vitamin D. Diagnosis of rickets is based on anamnesis, clinical picture of the disease, and biochemical blood tests. To assess skeletal deformities, X-rays of long bones are taken. Computed tomography and densitometry provide a more accurate assessment of the condition of bone tissue. Treatment of vitamin rickets should be comprehensive, long-term and aimed both at eliminating the causes that caused it and at eliminating hypovitaminosis D.
Rickets, children, clinic, diagnosis, treatment, prevention.
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How to Cite
Ibatova Sh. M., & Mamatkulova D. Kh. (2024). RICKETIS IN CHILDREN: CAUSES, CLINICAL PICTURE, DIAGNOSIS, TREATMENT. American Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, 27, 10–15. Retrieved from https://americanjournal.org/index.php/ajrhss/article/view/2294