Editorial Team
Dr. Catalino N. Mendoza,
Baliwag Polytechnic College - Institute of Business and Accountancy,Bulacan, Philippines
Dr. Jimmy Bernabe Maming
Department of Management Studies,
Cebu Institute of Technology University; Cebu City, Philippines
Dr. Guido Migliaccio
Associate Professor of Business Administration and Accounting
University of Sannio. Benevento - Italy
Dr. A. Djelloul
Research Professor,
Research Center in Semiconductors Technology for Energy (CRTSE), 02 Bd Frantz Fanon. BP 140. 7 Merveilles. Algiers, Algeria.
Dr. Ajesh F.
Associate Professor in Computer Science and Engineering Department, Musaliar college of Engineering and Technology, Pathanamthitta, Kerala, India
Bekimbetova Aynagul Amangeldievna
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Preschool Education and Defectology of the Nukus State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan.
Atamuratov Sadulla
Professor of the Department of "Social and Political Sciences" of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology
Abdullaeva Nilufar Muhammadjonovna
TSPU Named After Nizomi, Associate Professor, Ph.D., Department of "General Pedagogy".
Khalikova Shahodat Tukhtaevna,
Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor at the Department of Humanities of Tashkent State Agrarian University
Xaitov Lazizbek Azamatovich,
Bukhara State University, Islamic history and Source Studies, Teacher of the Department of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Oybek Ochilovich Sirojov,
DSc. (Political Science), Head of Department of “Social-Political Science”, Tashkent Chemical Technological Institute
Dr. Akmal Bazarbaev,
Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences.
Dr.Djurayev Husen Khayrullayevich
Bukhara State University, Teacher of the Department of Islamic History and Source Studies, Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Historical Sciences.
Nomurotova Mahliyohon Kushaliyevna,
PhD (Doctor of Philosophy), Associate Professor of the Humanities Cycle of the Department of National Pride and Military Patriotism Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Dr. Rakhmonov Kamol Jamolovich,
Associate Professor of the Department of "World History" of Bukhara State University, Candidate of Historical Sciences.
Dr. Namozov Bobir Bahriyevich,
Head of the Department "Islamic History and Source Studies, Philosophy" of Bukhara State University, Doctor of Philosophy, (DSc)
Dr. Turdibay Shadmanov Ruzibayevich,
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor at the National University of Uzbekistan.
Dr. Kuldasheva Navbakhor Babokulovna,
Associate Professor of the Department of French Philology of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Bukhara State University, Doctor of Philosophy in Philology (Ph.D.)
Suleimanova Tokhtakhon Gainazarovna
Associate Professor of the Department of General Psychology, Andijan State University, Candidate of Psychological Sciences.
Dr. Kayumova Aziza Tashmurodovna,
Senior Lecturer of the Department of "Islamic History and Source Studies, Philosophy" of Bukhara State University, Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology (PhD).
Dr. Evatov Salimjon Sobirovich,
Fergana State University, Teacher of the "Civil Society" Department, Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy (PhD).
Togaev Nodirjon Ergashevich
Docent, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philosophical Sciences, Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan
Alimasov Viktor Aleksandrdrovich
Doctor Science of Philosophy, Professor of the State Institute Art and Culture, Uzbekistan
Kamalova Malika Nizamovna
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of "Uzbek Language and Literature" Department at Tashkent State University of Economics
Turgun Xoldorov
Associate Professor, Jizzakh State Pedagogic University, Faculty of Physical Culture, Uzbekistan
Toirova Dilfuza Fayzullayevna
Associate Professor of the Department "Languages", PhD., Assistant Professor, Head of the "Languages" Department of Samarkand branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies
Tamar Sekhniashvili
Invited Lecturer, CEO, Child and Adolescence's Rehabilitation Center LTD Puzzle, Ilia state University, 51404 BCBA 5th edition (BACB-Fifth edition), Tbilisi, Georgia
Gogebashvili State Institute, Associate Professor of Tourism at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Business and Law in the Direction of Tourism.
Artist, Painting and Arts, Georgia
Nazarov Anvarjon Turgunbayevich
Teacher of the "Physical Culture" Department of Namangan State University
Shamudinov Sharafiddin Kamalovich
PhD in Military Sciences, Lecturer of the Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Madona Nikolaishvili
Doctoral Program in Social Sciences, Georgian Technical University, Georgia
Mamatqabilov Tursunmurat Doniyorovich
Doctor of Philosophy in Political Sciences (PhD), Docent of the Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Kaniyazova Jupargul Orinbaevna
Doctor of Philosophy in Philology, Associate Professor, Karakalpak State University.
Tokimbetova Gulbakhar Abatbaevna
Doctor of Philosophy in Philology, Associate Professor, Karakalpak State University.
Prof. Bazarbaev Rakhimnazar Jumanazarovich,
Doctor of Sciences History (DSc)., Head of the Department of History Teaching Methodology of the Nukus State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan
Adham Nurullayev Ahmadovich,
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Head of the Department of the Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Petrosyan Nelya Valerevna
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of “English Teaching Methodology” at Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, Uzbekistan
Rayimov Shukurullo Karimovich
(PhD) Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogics, Associate Professor of Academy of Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Madrakhimova Gulshanoy Sotiboldievna,
Doctor of Philosophy in History (PhD), Associate Professor of the Academy of Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Sapayeva Rayxon Bobojonovna,
Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences, Urgench State University
Rakhimova Guzal Yuldashovna,
Head of the Department Translation Theory and Practice, Associate Professor, Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences, Urgench State University
Dr. Yarashev Jurabek Turayevich,
Head of the Department of Art Studies of the Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute, Associate Professor
Dr. Rustamov Farrux Rustam ugli,
Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute, Associate Professor of the Department of "Social Sciences", Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology (PhD).
Dr. Sharipova Oygul Tursunovna,
Bukhara State University, Associate Professor of "Islamic History and Source Studies, Philosophy", Doctor of Philosophy (DSc).
Shokirov Mubin Rustamovich,
Associate Professor of the Department of "Social Sciences" of the Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute, Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy (PhD).
Narziyev Zubaydillo Ibodilloyevich,
Associate Professor of the Department "Social Sciences" Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute, Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy (PhD).
Kuziyev Nodir Abdusalimovich,
Associate Professor of the Department of "Islamic History and Source Studies, Philosophy" of Bukhara State University, Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy (PhD).
Gayibova Nargiza Anorbaevna
Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology of Religion and Pedagogy at the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan
Fayziev Shukhrat Khasanovich
DSc, Professor, Department of Environmental, Tashkent State University of Law, Uzbekistan
Kudratullayeva Rukhsora,
Dotsent of the Department of “Social Psychology“, The National University of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Psychology Sciences
Hudaybergenov Behzod Baxtiyorovich
DSc, Associate Professor, Department of Civil Law and International Private Legal Disciplines, University of World Economy and Diplomacy, Uzbekistan
Allayarova Marhabo Mavlonovna
PhD in Philosophy, Docent, Department of Social and Humanitarian Sciences, Uzbekistan-Finland Pedagogical Institute, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Maxmudjon Ziyadullayev
Doctor of Sciences in Law. Executive director of the branch of "St. Petersburg State University" in Tashkent
Abdullayev Abdumuxtar Ganiyevich
PhD in Mathematics, Associate Professor of the Department of "Economics and Social Sciences", University of Economics and Pedagogy (Uzbekistan)
Tuxtarova Maftuna Yuldashboy Qizi,
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of "Economics and Social Sciences", University of Economics and Pedagogy (Uzbekistan)
Yusuf Kadyrovich Absoatov
Vice-rector for youth issues and spiritual and educational affairs
Saitxanova Dinara Ruslanovna
Philosophy of Science (PhD) University of Tashkent for Applied Sciences Temporary Executor, Dotcent
Akilov Alimjon Raximovich
Professor, Department of Criminal-procedural law, Faculty of Investigation and Forensics activity, Academy of the MIA. doctor of law sciences.
Xasanova Vazira Xamidjanovna
Tashkent State Transport University, Associate Professor, (Docent) at Department of Uzbek (Russian) Language, Uzbekistan.
Ruziyeva Nilufar Xafizovna
Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences. Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute
Chorieva Shakhnoza Shukhratovna,
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Philological Sciences, Teacher of the Department of English Translation Theory, Translation Faculty of Uzbekistan State World Languages University
Sharafiddinova Nodira Xursandovna
The Academic Lyceum under the Ferghana State of University, Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences
Karimova Yulduz Bakhtiyorovna
The Academic Lyceum under the Fergana State University, Doctor of Philosophy in Philology (PhD)
Turgunova Nasiba Tuychievna
Deputy Head of the Department of Service Psychology and Professional Culture of the MIA Academy, Doctor of Political Sciences (DSc), Associate Professor
Kallibekova, Zulkumar Berdibekovna
Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies of Karakalpakstan, Head of the Department" Humanities", Candidate of Historical Sciences.
Asatulloyev Abrorxon Asatulloyevich
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philosophical Sciences, Docent, Head of the Department for Quality Control of Education, Gulistan State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan
Artikova Yulduz Akmalovna
Candidate of philological sciences, Uzbekistan State University of World Languages, Faculty of international journalism, Associate Professor of the Department of Information Service and Public Relations. Uzbekistan.
Inatullaev Bakhromjon Bakijonovich
Namangan State University Associate Professor of the Department of Art Studies
Gulyamov Komiljon Makhmudovich
National Institute of Fine Arts and Design named after Kamoliddin Bekhzod, Associate Professor of the Department of “Applied Decorative Art”, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (DSc)
Adham Nurullayev Ahmadovich
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Senior Lecturer of the Academy of the Armed forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Khodzalepesov Polat Zinatdinovich
Nukus Branch of Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology. Associate Professor of the Department of "Economics and Humanities"
Kamola Nasirovna Kayumova
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the "Teaching Foreign Languages" Department of Tashkent State University of Economics.
Chutpulatov Muhammed Chorievich,
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Vice-rector of Uzbekistan State University of World Languages
Azimov Ulugbek Abduxalilovich
Associate Professor of the “International Institute of Food Technology and Engineering”. Doctor of philosophy (PhD), Uzbekistan
Akrom Rakhmanovich Shokhakimov
Senior teacher of the Department of National Pride and Military Patriotism of the Armed Forces Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Gulimov Amanlik Bazarbaevich,
Doctor of Law (DSc), Professor of the Department of “Human Rights, Public Law and Administration” of Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh
Bobokalonov Odilshoh Ostonovich,
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philology, Associate Professor, Bukhara State University, Department of French Philology
Khodjikhodjaev Farkhodjon Makhmudjonovich
Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan Lecturer of the Department of General Tactics, Doctor of Historical Philosophy (PhD), Lieutenant Colonel
Nasirova Umida Kamolovna,
PhD, Senior Lecturer at Uzbekistan State World Languages University, Department of English Language teaching methodology № 2
Negmatov Bobir Madjitovich,
Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Associate Professor of the Department of National Pride and Military Patriotism, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences
Ziyodullaev Akmal Raupovich,
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philological Sciences, Bukhara State University Uzbekistan
Kasimova Rano Rakhmatulloevna,
Associate Professor, Doctor of Sciences in Philology, Bukhara State University Uzbekistan
Narzullayeva Dilfuza Saitovna,
PhD, Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Uzbekistan
Kazimova Gulnora Khakimovna,
Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Uzbekistan
Khamidova Muyassar Polsaidovna
Associate Professor, PhD, Head of the Department of Oligofrenopedagogy of Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami
Karshiyev Sherzod Saydaliyevich
PhD.Associate professor of the Department of Social Sciences at Chirchik State Pedagogical University.
Dilbar Nurkeldiyeva
PhD. Professor of Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami
Shokirova Shakhnoza Dilmurodovna
DSc. Associate Professor of the Department of Logopedia, Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami
Xidirov Mukhiddin Shermamatovich
PhD, Associate professor of Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami
Shakhnoza Khаsаnоvа
PhD, Associate Professor of Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami
Atadjanova Shaxnoz Abbasovna
DSc. Associate Professor of the Department of European languages Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami
Kuvvatov Norkozok Burkhanovich
PhD, Associate Professor of Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami
Umarov Saidnemat Burkhonovich
PhD, Associate Professor of Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami
Khamraeva Iroda Sayfullayevna
PhD, Associate Professor of Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami
Radjapova Zuxra Tirkashevna
PhD, Associate Professor of Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami
Abdurazakova Kamolakhon Yusupovna,
Senior Lecturer at the Department of "Social and Humanitarian Sciences" of the Alisher Navoi University of Uzbek Language and Literature, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Political Science
Kasimov Mutalib,
Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research University "MEI" in Tashkent, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in political Sciences, Senior Lecturer
Kurbanova Munavvara Abdujabbarovna
DSc, Professor, Department of Uzbek linguistics, Tashkent State University of uzbek language and literature named after Alisher Navoi, Uzbekistan
Abdukakhkhorov Sarvarbek Abdusamat ugli
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Law, Department of Criminal Law, Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Nazarqosimov Sarvar Inatillaevich
Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, First Vice-rector for youth affairs and spiritual and educational affairs of Jizzakh state pedagogical university, Uzbekistan
Naurizova Aysultan Kalbaevna,
Senior Teacher, Doctor of Philosophy in Philological sciences, PhD Department of Humanities, Karakalpak Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology
Mahametova Dilnavoz Botirovna
Department of Foreign Languages, Tashkent University of Information Technologies Muhammad al- Khorazmiy (PhD)
Usarova Layla Ibragimovna
Doctor of Philosophy in Philology (PhD) Uzbekistan-Finland Pedagogical Institute. Associate Professor of the Department of Uzbek Language and Literature
Shakhriddinova Laylo Nurkhanovna
"Physical Culture" Faculty, Associate Professor, "Sports, Teaching Methodology" Department (Ph.D.) Associate Professor Navoi State Pedagogical Institute
Mirhalilova Gulnoza Ilhomjon Qizi
Teacher of the Department of Administrative Law of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Captain
Isaxova Shaxlo Muxtarovna,
Associate Professor of the “National idea and Philosophy” Department of Gulistan State Pedagogical Institute, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Nasimov Sunnatillo Valijonovich,
PhD, Senior lecturer of the Department of Political Science of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, Uzbekistan
Inagamova Lola Usmanbekovna
Doctor of Philosophy in Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor. Head of the Department of "Department of art management" of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Isarov Oman Risaliyevich,
DSc, Associate Professor of Tashkent institute of irrigation and agricultural mechanization engineers national research university, Department of Teaching Theory and Methodics, Uzbekistan
Kabulov Xojabay Aldashovich
Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of “Human Rights, Public Law and Administration” of Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh
Shagilova Gulkhatisha Koptleuovna,
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on legal sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of “Human Rights, Public Law and Administration” of Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh
Ernazarov Fayzullo Narzullaevich
Doctor of Sciences History, Professor of the Department of "World History" at Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan
Toshpulatov Isroyiljon Ismoilovich
PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Methodology of Teaching Social-Economical subjects, National Center for Teachers Training in New Methods of Ferghana region, Uzbekistan
Abdukhalikova Nigora Fakhriddinovna,
PhD, Senior Teacher, Tashkent Medical Academy, Department of Normal and Pathological Physiology, Uzbekistan
Mizrabova Jeren Ismailovna,
Doctor of philosophy (PhD) in Philologic sciences, associate professor of Bukhara State University