One of the reasons for the rejection of the use of CAD/CAM technologies in dentistry is reports of the insolvency of all-ceramic frame restorations made of polycrystalline ceramics based on zirconium dioxide and chipped veneers [1, 2]. The discrepancy in the recommendations for the manufacture of frame all-ceramic restorations raises a number of questions. Sandblasting is still widely used to improve surface roughness, strengthen bonding between the veneer and the frame and increase the strength of the connection during cementing.

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How to Cite
Бурхонова Зарафруз Кобиловна, & Хайдаров Улугбек. (2023). DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ZIRCONIUM CROWNS AND STAINLESS STEEL CROWNS IN PREMOLAR PROSTHETICS. American Journal of Pedagogical and Educational Research, 16, 136–140. Retrieved from https://americanjournal.org/index.php/ajper/article/view/1256